Manifesting Coach

Hi ,I’m Dawn!

I coach women to Manifest a more purpose and peace filled life. I have found that the techniques of manifesting are powerful tools to work through grief, depression, and anxiety.

Imagine tapping into your inner knowing, prioritizing your emotional wellbeing, and filling your heart with praise.

How would it feel to learn how to tune into your own psyche, and begin to experience what it’s like to live in a higher vibration?

Picture yourself having this new way of living with manageable coping strategies such as visualization techniques for protecting your energy body, self awareness, positive self talk, and a purpose statement that helps you remember who you want to be.

What I know for sure is that, "when you work on your inner world, your outer world gets better too."

Come IGNITE the power of Manifesting More in life with me!!

“Absolutely love the workshops and classes that I have completed with Dawn. She is an expert with it comes to manifesting and provides tools that everyone can use to manifest their own best life. Thank you Dawn for your guidance throughout several events. I look forward to the next workshop.”

-Shayla Ryder

If you say yes to one of these...

I might be the coach you are looking for.

  • Sick and tired of being sick and tired

  • Not sure what to do with your life. Feeling lost...

  • You wake up every morning dreading the day

  • Panic attacks

  • Anxiety over any little thing

  • Worried about what will go wrong

  • Wondering why God why?

  • Why life seems so easy for some people and not for others

  • You have big dreams but haven’t gotten to them, because what working parent has the time

  • Mad because you are catching every red light

  • Not wanting to go to concerts because there are too many people for you

  • A certain person triggers you to run as fast as you can

  • Wonder why some people make you feel down or negative

  • Often sad more than happy

  • On medicine for anxiety, depression, and sleep, but want to ease off of it

  • Feels numb to everything

  • Broken heart

  • Wondering how to manifest

How did life end up like this?

Here’s the deal…..I get it, because I've been there.

But what I know now is that it doesn't have to be this way. 

I spent years in a lack mindset. Then one day I had this thought that I just know I’m meant for something more. I was miserable in a corporate job, and I felt stuck! Then I hit my rock bottom after the loss of my 36 month old baby girl. From there I decided to figure some things out.

The past 15 years I have spent researching, teaching, practicing tons of modalities to not live like that anymore. I now have it bundled up like a big hug into  a coaching program to help you save time and level up faster than I did! 

Instead of doing this alone,

allow me to walk through this with you.

“I learned helpful tools to heal from traumatic events and thoughts and to expand my life experiences towards a more positive direction. 


I use a combination of modalities that help you rewire your brain at a subconscious level. While also doing heart centered work that addresses to release old thought patterns and opens our hearts to what it truly desires. 

I’ve got a loving, genuine, calm personality that meets you where you are, and holds space for you to get to where you want to be. I’m on this journey with you by your side. 

This is how the change begins & this is what the next few months could look like for you! 

“Knowing Dawn and going to her classes and following her has so much changed my outlook and be a more positive thinking person. Her focus on gratitude is key and how to keep it in your mind on a routine basis is the key to being happy.” 

-Harshad Lalloobhai 

 I’m not going to just give you these coping tools and send you on your way.

With 13 years of helping other people heal their inner world to manifest a better material world, I am committed to helping human consciousness with holistic ways to strengthen their mental health, to live in the present moment, on purpose, and with internal peace.

Unlike other life coaches, I have actually experienced, applied, and practiced all the modalities that I teach. I’m not going to just give you these coping tools and send you on your way. I’m also not going to teach you to meditate and expect that to solve life's problems.

I will guide you to create new ways of thinking. You will learn the health benefits of taking a deep breath and responding with compassion. How to release old energy thats been holding you back. These are tools that will become habits and will be with you for the rest of your life! Then this can be past onto your family. People will start to look at you and wonder what have you been doing? Why are you so different.

Some of the big and small topics I cover with clients look like…

  • How the emotional vibrational scale can be used as a healing tool for depression?

  • How do I silence the negative mental chatter?

  • How to connect with your loved ones in the non-physical realm?

  • What is an awakening?

  • How to merge the old self and the future self into the now self

  • Chakra-Energy Body System


  • How to play with the law of attraction

  • How does a life statement help with anxiety?

  • How to move from low depression energy to loving/grateful energy?

  • What is my purpose?

  • Ways to heal the heart

  • How the emotional vibrational scale can be used as a healing tool for depression?

  • What is Reiki and how can I benefit from it?

“Absolutely love the workshops and classes that I have completed with Dawn. She is an expert with it comes to manifesting and provides tools that everyone can use to manifest their own best life. Thank you Dawn for your guidance throughout several events. I look forward to the next workshop.”

-Shayla Ryder

Clients who see the best results with me are typically…

  • Ready to do whatever it takes to feel better.

  • Someone who admits that they want more out of life.

  • Feels stuck, not sure what to do to move forward.

  • Someone who believes that this is a self investment that trickles out to benefit their family and friends.

  • Eager to learn and apply new tools to healing.

  • Knows that they are meant for MORE!

No matter the topic - each will be personalized in a way that helps to heal your heart, redirect your thinking, and create a more peaceful consciousness inside of you! 

Sound like something you want to explore? Great! 

Each month I take on just 3 new clients and I’d love to talk about where you & where you want to go next. 

“I have done Dawn’s Manifesting More Course, Dream Board Workshop, and Reiki sessions. She is just so gifted. Very gentle in demeanor. I feel very light in her presence. She is a joy to be around. Highly recommend her for healing.” 

-Melissa Martin

Imagine this...

  • You spend 3 months being open minded, taking action, creating a new vision for your life...

  • You have a new morning, day, and night routine...

  • You wake up energized, early, excited for the day knowing exactly what you want!

  • Your heart is full of praise and love.

  • You have tools that when triggered to pull you up and out of the negative place.

  • You know how to meditate and pray to the benefit of all.

  • Some things did not go as planned but you have an inner knowing that the Universe has your back.

  • You know how to prepare, protect, and cleanse your energy body when needed to keep you living on a higher frequency.

  • PEOPLE ARE WONDERING What has she been doing? She is GLOWING!

  • REPEAT...............